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NBC News highlights Warren Wilson alumnus helping “young voters to feel empowered”

Christian Diaz ’12 is the executive director of Chicago Votes Action Fund, a 501(c)(4) organization focused on “volunteer-driven democracy.” His efforts have caught the attention of NBC News, which featured him in the story “Humanizing America: Young & Latino.” The news organization says his “goal is to encourage young voters to feel empowered to make their voice heard.” See the feature here:

This isn’t the first time Diaz has encouraged millennials to vote. In a 2013 story, Nathan Gower ’13 writes:

Christian Diaz ’12 is the executive director of Chicago Votes.

Christian Diaz ’12 is the executive director of Chicago Votes. Photo courtesy of Christian Diaz.

“Since earning his bachelor’s degree in global studies in 2012, Diaz began working with LSNA’s Immigration Committee, leading a successful voter registration and voter turnout campaigns that targeted infrequent Latino voters during the 2012 election season.

“‘I led a very successful campaign in my home neighborhood in northwest Chicago, where I registered over 1200 new Latino voters, recruited and trained over 300 volunteers and ultimately increased voter turnout in ten precincts,’ he recalls.

“Diaz’s successes made a strong impression on the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR), who offered Diaz a fellowship coordinating the New Americans Democracy Project—a campaign that promotes the rights of immigrants by mobilizing the immigrant community to vote.”

For more information about Chicago Votes Action Fund, visit