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Warren Wilson College pool headed for renovation (Updated)

Warren Wilson College’s pool renovations are on ongoing. The project was delayed due to a variety of unforeseen issues with the exterior structure, as well as some issues with the pool itself. We are currently exploring options with our contract partners to finish the project, and our priority is creating a high-quality pool. A portion of the project is funded through a significant contribution from an anonymous donor, continued gifts from friends of the College, monies designated for capital improvements and a commitment of funds delivered on completion by the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners. The pool will have a new name, which the College will announce prior to the opening.

Before the pool closed, it was used by a variety of public groups, organizations and community members. The need remains, and the College is set to re-establish partnerships with the various constituencies.

We are eager to reopen the pool and look forward to making that happen. Unfortunately, we do not yet have an estimated date of completion. We will send out an announcement once we have a grand opening date.